Quick jumps: Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg (Chalmers) | Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) | University of Oslo (UiO) | Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)/Center for Environmental Radioactivity (CERAD CoE) | University of Helsinki, Finland, Laboratory of Radiochemistry | NRC Course Listings on Other Web-portals

Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg (Chalmers)

Nuclear Chemistry and Industrial Materials Recycling
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden
Link to official web-site.
CHALMERS is a CINCH-II project partner. Contact person for NRC courses: Teodora Retegan; Christian Ekberg ; Stefan Allard

Chalmers Nuclear Chemistry Courses

Chalmers Nuclear Chemistry courses are integrated part of a Master program: Nuclear Science and Technology

Chalmers Courses that Partially Teach Nuclear Aspects

Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU)

Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU
Břehová 7, 115 18 Prague, Czech Republic
Department official website
Link to official CTU website for foreign students

CTU offers comprehensive Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D programmes in Nuclear Chemistry leading to titles in Nuclear Chemistry.
In addition to standard chemistry programme, the bachelor-level studies of Nuclear chemistry consist of seven compulsory courses (in total 20 credit units) and bachelor's thesis project (15 cu). Up to 17 cu in “nuclear topics” can be additionally selected from five available optional courses.
Compulsory courses
Optional courses

The master-level studies of Nuclear chemistry at CTU consist of nine compulsory courses (in total 30 credit units), research project (14 cu), master's thesis project (30 cu), and optional courses (each 2-4 cu) up to the required total of 120 cu.
Compulsory courses
Optional courses
By selecting relevant courses from the available total of 22 courses, the students can further specialize into one of the following sub-fields of Nuclear Chemistry

University of Oslo (UiO)

P.O. Box 1072 - Blindern, NO-0316 Oslo, Norway. Link to official UiO web-site:
UiO is a CINCH-II project partner. Contact person for NRC courses: Jon Petter Omtvedt

UiO Nuclear Chemistry Courses

UiO Courses that Partially Teach Nuclear Aspects

Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)/Center for Environmental Radioactivity (CERAD CoE)

P.O Box 5003, NO-1432 Ås, Norway.
Link to NMBU website
Link to CERAD CoE website

MSc program in Radioecology (official website)

NMBU/CERAD offers an European MSc in Radioecology. In a diverse learning process, you will gain knowledge about radioecology; behaviour of radionuclides in the environment, as well as impact and risk assessment based on radiochemistry and radiation protection, the nuclear industry and waste management, project management and research methods.

NMBU/CERAD Nuclear Science courses

University of Helsinki, Finland, Laboratory of Radiochemistry

P.O.Box 55
website, contact person: pofessor Jukka Lehto

Master's program in radiochemistry

University of Helsinki offers a comprehensive master's program in radiochemistry (84 credit units radiochemistry and 36 cu elective studies). The radiochemistry studies consist of five compulsory courses (in total 25 credit units), master's theses work (40 cu), 10 cu of other compulsory studies and 9 cu of optional courses. For full information see.
Compulsory courses:
Basic radiochemistry (4 cu)
Basic radiochemistry exercises (4 cu)
Radiation safety (3 cu)
Detection and measurement of radiation (7 cu)
Chemistry and analysis of radionuclides (7 cu)
Optional courses (3 cu each):
Environmental radioactivity
Chemistry of the nuclear fuel cycle
Chemistry of radiopharmaceuticals
Radiation chemistry
Tracer techniques
Atmospheric radioactivity
Chemistry of the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel

NRC Course Listings on Other Web-portals